Swanned dating app

Have some questions? Great, you've come to the right place for some Swantastic answers!

What is Swanned?

Swanned is an app for expats living overseas helping you mind mates & dates.
The app has launched in Australia for Brits & Irish and in the UK for Aussies and Kiwis. The app can be downloaded in a number of countries globally, for any nationality, but we have not actively launched outside of Australia and the UK at this time.

Why are we different?

Quality, not quantity people. No one needs another app with a huge catalogue of unsuitable matches that never lead to anything. Our niche audience is what sets us apart as you’ll connect with people you actually have things in common with.

I’m not British or Irish, or Aussie or Kiwi, can I use your app?

Whilst Swanned is predominantly an app for expats to meet other expats from home while they live overseas, that’s not to say that we don’t welcome you. Perhaps you’ve lived in Blighty for years and love the banter or Irish craic? Maybe your mum’s a Pom or you want nothing more than to meet an Aussie surfer? Anyone who feels a connection with the other expats on our app is welcome to join.

Why are you called Swanned?

We really wanted an animal name and so searched for animals that mated for life. (Really wished we’d picked beaver now hehe). Swans seemed perfect because their necks make a love heart, plus the Queen (RIP) owned all the Swans in blighty so it seemed rather fitting.

When will Swanned launch in America, Dubai, Hong Kong or other?

We know! We hear you!. Thank you for all your messages. We plan to launch to other cities in the future, but can’t confirm dates yet.

Getting started on Swanned

How do I download Swanned?

Swanned can be found in the ITunes store and Google Playstore, available on both iOS and Android. Just search for Swanned to start Swanning! Or click here.

Do I have to pay to use Swanned?

Joining Swanned is free. However some of the features within the app are part of our subscription service. You will still be able to swipe away without paying.

How to use the app

I accidently said yes, can I un-Swan?

Sure, we understand an accidental slip of the hands happens from time-to-time. If you’ve decided you no longer wish to be matched with someone you can just click on the person’s profile, then on the ellipses and select un-match. Simple as that!

I accidentally said no, can I re-Swan?

Don’t worry, you’ll get another chance to find that Swan. Just be patient, they will come back.

In the feed, what is the middle red icon?

This is our "wanna go for a drink" feature. We want you to get off the app and go out there and meet people. There is no better British or Irish way to get to know someone than over a bevvy. So what are you waiting for? Press it and start dating!

Why have I run out of Swans in my feed?

There are plenty of other Swans out there, just none that exactly match your preferences, try extending your settings to see more Swans. Remember Swanned is a brand new app and we’re working really hard to increase our numbers. Word of mouth is important to us - so help us spread the word! Invite your friends to join Swanned and share the love.

I matched with someone and now I can’t see them, why?

Users are able to un-swan or delete the Swanned app whenever they please. If you can no longer see a person you have previously connected with, it means they have either un-swanned you, deleted their account, or they've been blocked by us.

Keeping safe

How can I block a user?

Safety whilst using our app is a big priority for us. If you feel someone on Swanned has not been behaving appropriately, you can block them by going to their profile and clicking block user. Please tell us why you wish to report this person and we promise to read all feedback and action accordingly. Please note: You will not be able to see this person again on the app once they have been blocked.

I think a profile is fake - what do I do?

At Swanned, we endeavour to keep all our users genuine and regularly monitor for unfavourable behaviour and fake profiles. If you believe a profile does not look real, please contact info@getswanned.com and we will get onto it asap! You can also report this user from within the app. Take a look at our guide which helps you to spot scammers.

My profile has been hacked, what do I do?

Please contact info@getswanned.com and we will get onto it asap! Read our guide which can provide helpful details on how to keep yourself safe online.

How does Swanned know my location?

Just like Google maps, Swanned uses your phone GPS to know where you are. You may need to enable location settings within your phone if you are having difficulties with this.

How do I keep my personal details safe online?

There are a number of things you can do like regularly changing passwords, not sharing social media logins, having up to date software, installing spam detectors and more. Read our guide which provides lots of tips on how to keep your personal details safe online .

How do I keep myself safe when online dating?

It’s important to be vigilant when chatting and meeting people you do not know very well. Always make sure you keep yourself safe by telling others where you are going, meeting in a public place, not sharing any financial information and much more. Take a look at our full list of safety tips.

I think I've spotted a scammer- what do I do?

At Swanned, we endeavour to keep all our users genuine and regularly monitor for unfavourable behaviour and fake profiles. If you believe a profile does not look real, please contact info@getswanned.com and we will get onto it asap! You can also report this user from within the app. Take a look at our guide which helps you to spot scammers.

I don’t think this user is playing by Swanned’s rules

In the words of Aretha you must have R.E.S.P.E.C.T and play by our rules to stay on our app. Take a look at our community guidelines to know what we allow and what we don’t.

Admin Stuff

How do I delete Swanned?

Go to Settings then Help & FAQS within the Swanned App and click delete account. We will keep your profile in our systems for 30 days in case you change your mind. Don't worry your profile won't be visable to others during this period. If you wish to login to Swanned again after 30 days you will be required to set up your profile again.

How do I cancel my Swanned Superior subscription?

You are required to cancel your subscription on the Apple App Store or Google Play store.

I accidently paid for the Swanned Superior service can I cancel?

Yes you can cancel your paid subscription at any time by following the steps above, however we are unable to refund any fees you may have been charged through the app store. Please read our T&Cs.

Oops, I signed in with the wrong Facebook account

No worries. All you need to do is log out of the Swanned app (within settings, help & faqs) and then login again with the right Facebook account. Make sure you’re logged into the correct Facebook profile before logging in again.

How do I contact Swanned?

We are always excited to talk to our Swans, the media and potential business partners. If you have a question or would like to share some opinions or ideas to improve our service we'd love to hear from you. Please get in touch at info@getswanned.com

I wish to make a complaint, how do I do that?

We take complaints very seriously. You can raise any from technical app problems, reporting a scam, suspicious conduct, reporting abuse, reporting bullying, security breaches, payment problems and more. Please follow this link to view our complaints handling policy which tells you in detail what you need to do.